Bhutan’s Development Pilosophy: Gross National Hapiness

GNH was developed by His Majesty the Fourth King of Bhutan. His Majesty the Fourth King stresses that Gross National Happiness is more important than Gross National Product, as wealth does not necessarily bring happiness to people. Bhutan has inspired many around the world by placing the happiness and prosperity of each of its individuals ahead of economic wealth. This is the central idea behind Gross National Happiness (GNH), Bhutan’s development philosophy.GNH comprises four pillars: Conservation of the Environment, Equitable and Sustainable Development, Good Governance, and Preservation of Culture.

Conservation of the Environment
Enshrined in the country’s constitution is Bhutan’s resolve and commitment to “maintain at least sixty percent of the country under forest cover at all times.” 

Sustainable Development
Social and economic development is the core of Bhutan’s development policy so that the people may enjoy higher standards of health care, education, and social services and less hardship. To address the needs of present and future generations, Bhutan envisions higher standards of living and access to modern amenities and technology across all parts of the country. 

Good Governance
TWe are learning every step along the way that, with our democracy, the government must reflect the opinion of the people, and the people must become more proactive in their involvement with the exciting changes.

Preservation of Culture
In Bhutan, we’ve made a sincere and respectful effort to preserve our culture. Our distinct architecture, cultural events, traditions, and rituals are all aspects of the Bhutanese way of life. 


Bhutan started its first democratic elections on 24th March 2008.
One hundred years of monarchy has brought tremendous changes in Bhutan. Now the success of democracy in Bhutan depends on the public and media in the country. Still for most of the Bhutanese people, the culture of democracy is still new. However, work is underway to promote participation and engagement of all bhutanese citizens.